In modern indusiry, there are many equipment with fast and frequen!load changes, when the use of Ac contactor can not meet theimmediate needs of the system reactive power compensationswitching, can be···
In the low-voltage reactive power compensation system,the capacitor as the most core device in the reactive powercompensation cabinet, in addition to the impact of the useenvironment, the harmonic cur···
WEC series low-voltage power capacitor is a kind of cylindricalmetallized polypropylene film technology [Mkp technology)capacitor, with good self-healing properly; It adopts a newgeneralion of dry tec···
Series reactor is an important componenf of reactive powercompensation device and harmonic control. lt is mainly used in serieswith power capacitors, which can effectively inhibit the closing inrushcu···
The WEGC high voltage power capacitor uses an easilyimpregnable polypropylene film as the full film dielectric, and usesan environmentally friendly insulating oil as the impregnating agent.The case is···
Corporate purposeIntegrity is the foundation, treating people with sincerityBecome a partner with customers and enhance their productivity and profitability. With our technical knowledge and enthusias···