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Product Introduction | WEGC High Voltage Capacitors

发布时间:2024-03-04 点击次数:5 来源:本站

The WEGC high voltage power capacitor uses an easilyimpregnable polypropylene film as the full film dielectric, and usesan environmentally friendly insulating oil as the impregnating agent.The case is processed by special stainless steel process, with highexplosion resistance and strong corrosion resistance to ensure thesafety of use. Each capacilor assembly has a fuse proteclion (internalor extemnal fuse protection), and each capacitor has a dischargeresitance.

WEGC high voltage power capacitor is used to improve powerfactor, reduce line loss, improve transformer efficiency, filter outcertain harmonics, system vollage support, reduce distribution cablecross section, improve power lransmission capacily, to achieve thepurpose of energy saving and emission reduction.
