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Product Introduction | WEC Low Voltage Power Capacitors

发布时间:2024-03-04 点击次数:5 来源:本站

WEC series low-voltage power capacitor is a kind of cylindricalmetallized polypropylene film technology [Mkp technology)capacitor, with good self-healing properly; It adopts a newgeneralion of dry technelogy to achieve environmental proteclion.safety, miniaturization of capacitors, more convenient installation.saving installation space, and completely solving the flammableand explosive hidden dangers caused by oil leakage of traditionalcopacilors.

WEC series low-voltage power capacilors are mainly used for reaclivepower compensation, which plays a role in improving power factor.and can also play a role in suppressing harmonics when used fogetherwith series reactance, which plays an imporlant role in reducing lineloss and improving equipment ufilizalion for the power supply systemand users, and is one of the imporlant core componenis for improvingpower quality.
