



产品介绍 | WEAF有源滤波器

发布时间:2024-03-04 点击次数:84 来源:本站


The traditional passive filter can only filter out the limited harmonicand even amplify the other harmonic, which is difficult to deal withthe characteristies of harmonic change in the power grid, and haspolential resonance risk, WEAF series low vollage active power fileris our independent research and development of the full digitaldetuning equipment, compared with the tradilional technelogy has aspecial advantage, faster, smaller, more powerlul and easy to inslal easy to debug and easy fo maintain, these advanlages make it easylo solve power guality problems. In addition to dynamic harmoniccompensafion, the product can also carry out reactive powercompensalion, to solve voltage fluctualions and ficker and otherpower qualily problems, while the series of producls using the mostadvanced conirol technology, fully automated control, is currentlythe best eauipment io eliminate harmonies.
