WEST 系列电容器品闸管投切开关专为0.4-0.69KV电力电容器动态快速补偿设计的投切开关,WEST系列电容器品闸管投切开关主要适用于冲击性负荷,需要快速投切电容器的用电负荷现场,比如 电机、轧钢、港口行吊、电梯、变频炉等负荷快速变化现场。
In modern indusiry, there are many equipment with fast and frequen!load changes, when the use of Ac contactor can not meet theimmediate needs of the system reactive power compensationswitching, can be used with the concept of "zero swilching" thyrisiorfast compensalion switching device, con achieve exlremely fast, noarc and surge curent switching operation.
WEST series capacitor ihyristor switch is designed for 0.4-0.69KV powercapacitor dynamic fast compensation switch, WEsT series capacitorthyristor switch is mainly suitable for impact load, need fast switchingcapacitor power load sile, such as: Welding machine, steel rolling.port crane, elevator, variable frequency furnace and other loadsquickly change the sile.