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Product Introduction | WBR-230 Microcomputer Integrated Protection and Measurement Device

发布时间:2024-03-04 点击次数:7 来源:本站

WBR-230 microcomputer prolection and sel-or device is a new generation of micocomputer proteclon eguipment specialy desianed anddeveloped by our company to meet the requlrements of relay proteclion in power plants, substalions, distilbution rooms, etc, t providles perfeciprotection, measurement and control functions for ovethead lines, cable lines, transformers, motors, capacitors. PT cabinet and other primaneovipment below ll0ky, This series device is composed of hiah integraiion, high precion curent and volaae transformer, hiah insulatiorstrength outlet intermedicte relay, high relloblity switching power module and other components, it has hich integralion, complete protectiorconfguration and strong anti-interference ability.
